Reforest Membership

Grow Irish Forests, Offset Your Carbon and Restore Biodiversity Every Single Month!

Plant A Tree Every Month

Plant 48 trees every year.

24 trees in Ireland and 24 bonus trees in Madagascar.

Reforest & rewild Ireland.

Join us at our annual planting days.

Receive yearly updates of how your trees are growing.

Receive a personalisable digital certificate.

✓ Your growing grove will be composed of 5 species:

Less than a coffee a week!

Plant A Tree Every Week

Plant 96 trees every year.

48 trees in Ireland and 48 bonus trees in Madagascar.

Reforest & rewild Ireland.

Join us at our annual planting days.

Receive yearly updates of how your trees are growing.

Receive a personalisable digital certificate.

✓ Your growing grove will be composed of 9 species:

The cost of a an ice cream a week!

Plant A Tree Every Day

Plant 730 trees every year.

365 trees in Ireland and 365 bonus trees in Madagascar.

Reforest & rewild Ireland.

Join us at our annual planting days.

Receive yearly updates of how your trees are growing.

Receive a personalisable digital certificate.

✓ Your flourishing forest will feature 16 species.

Offset your carbon footprint for the rest of your life.

The cost of a medium pizza a week!


  • Reforest Nations mission is to maximise the environmental impact of every contribution. While the average cost to plant a single tree in Ireland is around €30-€150, we leverage this amount to plant 10 times more trees. For every €3 spent on any tree gift, we ensure that at least one tree is planted. This approach allows us to significantly amplify the positive effects on the environment. By planting trees in bundles, we achieve several key objectives:

    Greater Impact: Planting in bundles dramatically increases the number of trees we can introduce into ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity and carbon sequestration more effectively than planting single trees.

    Resource Efficiency: This method allows for more efficient use of resources, both in terms of funding and the physical process of planting and nurturing the trees.

    Sustainable Ecosystems: Bundled planting contributes to the creation of healthier, more resilient ecosystems, as a diversity of trees can better support wildlife and maintain ecological balance.

    Additionally, by focusing on bundled planting rather than offering single tree options, we avoid a scenario where the majority might choose the minimal contribution, leading to fewer trees planted overall. Our goal is to encourage more significant contributions for greater environmental results. This strategy not only aligns with our objective of making a substantial and sustainable impact but also ensures that our supporters are part of a more considerable change. The satisfaction of contributing to a larger scale reforestation effort makes each contribution more meaningful and impactful.

  • Our saplings take root across fourteen Irish counties and extend to Madagascar's vital ecosystems. In Ireland, they grow under the stewardship of nature reserves, community projects, and dedicated landowners. Abroad, our partnership with local experts helps restore mangroves and habitats. Each tree, whether in Ireland or Madagascar, represents a united stand for global reforestation and biodiversity.

  • For individuals looking to make a real difference, Reforest Nation isn't just another tree-planting organisation; it's a pathway to active environmental stewardship. Here’s what makes our initiative resonate with individual contributors:

    Dedication to Native Species: Our focus on planting a variety of native species is intentional, designed to rebuild ecosystems holistically. Each tree planted is chosen to support local wildlife and contribute to the rich tapestry of Irish natural habitats.

    Cutting-edge Reforestation: By employing the Miyawaki method, we're not just planting trees — we're creating dense, vibrant forests that grow up to 10 times faster, absorb more CO2, and burst with life much sooner than traditional forests.

    Global and Local Impact: With Reforest Nation, your support has a dual effect: revitalizing the green heart of Ireland and contributing to vital reforestation in Madagascar, where our efforts have an amplified effect on carbon absorption.

    Personal Engagement and Real-Time Updates: We believe in bringing our supporters along for the journey. With access to annual photo updates and the opportunity to get your hands dirty at our planting events, you're connected to the very earth you're helping to heal.

    When you choose Reforest Nation, you're not just planting a tree; you're seeding a legacy of environmental regeneration that you can watch grow year after year.

  • Yes, and we welcome it! We invite you to step out into the fresh air, to join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to reforestation. Our volunteer opportunities are announced on our website and newsletter, offering a hands-on experience that not only plants trees but also seeds a deeper connection with our mission and with Mother Nature herself.

  • The carbon impact of a single tree is profound, and we base our figures on the most current peer-reviewed research. An average tree in our care is estimated to sequester about 250kg of CO2 over its lifetime. While this number is a conservative baseline, it represents a significant contribution to combatting climate change—one tree at a time.

Gift a tree with Reforest Nation – contribute to Irish forests